The North Kincardine Rural Community Council are holding a public meeting 7.30pm, Monday 16th January, at Lairhillock School, where the AWPR CJV team will be presenting an update on progress of the works. Those attending on behalf of the AWPR CJV are John Wilson, the Managing Agent, Graham Christie, Project Director, Robert Galbraith, Contracting Authority, Dave Taylor, Construction Joint Venture and from Transport Scotland, Gavin Dyet. Representatives from Aberdeenshire Council will also attend to partake in the presentation.

The format will be to hear progress on the AWPR construction over the winter months and discuss works upcoming through to springtime. The areas to be reviewed are from the North Deeside Road down to the Cleanhill roundabout, across to Charleston and the Fastlink to Stonehaven. Once the presentation has concluded the community council’s chairman Henry Irvine-Fortescue will open up discussion to enable the public to question the panel with any queries or concerns they may have. All members of the public are most welcome to attend.