Culter Community Council held their monthly meeting on Thursday 16th April and the following highlights were among the items discussed. Full minutes of this meeting will be available in due course on at :

  • It was decided to issue some highlights of our meetings in this way via Facebook as soon after our meetings as possible in advance of the official minutes to help communication in a more timely fashion.
  • Some of our young people decided to light a fire in the middle of the school football pitch.  We all understand your desire to meet up, but this particular choice messes things up for a lot of our kids who play organised matches there.
  • Lots of you have struggled to get access to our surgery.  We understand a new system is being put in which should help.
  • We decided to include the new leaflet with walks around Culter in the next Courier, to help you explore our surroundings. This is also available to download from the CCC website: .
  • Thanks were expressed to all in the community who contributed to the crowd funding for the repairs and improvements to the Lovers’ Walk path after the recent floods. Work will be starting on this soon.