We have been notified that the closing date for public comments is now Monday 24th January.

First Endeavour (FE) has submitted an application for a residential development at Tillyoch, for circa 250 units with associated infrastructure, open space, landscaping and community facilities.

Click here to get to the planning applicationClick here to get to the planning application.  If you don’t get directly to the Tillyoch application, navigate to Planning Application Search, click Search at the left side of the banner across the top of the page, and put 211699 in the search box.

The details of the application are on the Documents tab.  Go to the Comments tab to make your comments.

Do please comment on this application.  Whether you think the scheme is just the wrong thing to do, or you like the idea, or you could perhaps live with the scheme provided they sort out certain things, do provide Planning with your comments.