New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – Coronation Road

A New Temporary Traffic Order has been imposed with the following details :
Category :One Way
Traffic Order Number : 6071
Emergency : No
Start Date and Time : 21 May 2017 09:00
End Date and Time : 21 May 2017 16:00
Location : Coronation Road
Description : Aberdeen City Council has made the above-named order in terms of its powers under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984. The effect of the order, which will operate from 09:00 until 16:00 on 21 May, 2017, is to impose a temporary one-way restriction on Coronation Road, Aberdeen, between its junction with North Deeside Road and the access to the Ploughman car park. The permitted direction of travel will be northbound only. The measure is necessary to protect public safety during ironwork repairs being carried out by Scottish Water.
Eastings : 384600
Northings : 801736
Ward Number(s) : 9
Tagged As : RoadWorks

For any futher information please contact :
Name: Christopher
Contact Number: 01224 522298
Email Address: