Aberdeen City Council has informed us of the following traffic restriction for 4-6 Nov for Station Road East:

A New Temporary Traffic Order has been imposed with the following details :

Category :Parking Restriction
Traffic Order Number : 7890
Emergency : No
Start Date and Time : 04 November 2020 20:00
End Date and Time : 06 November 2020 06:00
Description : Aberdeen City Council has made the above-named order in terms of its powers under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984. The effect of the order, which will operate from 20:00 on Wednesday, 4 November 2020, until 06:00 on Thursday, 5 November 2020, and from 20:00 on Thursday, 5 November 2020, until 06:00 on Friday, 6 November 2020, is to impose a temporary prohibition of waiting on either side of North Deeside Road, Peterculter, Aberdeen, from its junction with School Road to the boundary between numbers 102 and 104 North Deeside Road, Peterculter, and on either side of Station Road East, Peterculter, Aberdeen, from its junction with North Deeside Road to the northern access road at number 5 Station Road East. The measures are necessary to protect public safety during works by BT Openreach. Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to HBS on 01501 820 600 or at info@hbsonline.co.uk Chief Officer Operations, Aberdeen City Council, Town House, ABERDEEN.
Eastings : 384193
Northings : 800598
Ward Number(s) : 9
Tagged As : RoadWorks